
  • Landscaping

    Passionfruit are stunning when grown across a pergola where the magnificent flowers can be shown off. The large green leaves can provide shade, and the delicious tasty fruit can be picked easily. Quickly grown over a fence, against a sheltered wall or deck.

  • Culinary & Nutrition

    Passionfruit offers reasonable amounts of vitamins A, B, C, protein, carbohydrates, iron & flavonoids. Fruit is juicy and tangy, excellent just to be scooped out and enjoyed fresh. Add to fruit salads, ice creams, yoghurts, pie and cake fillings, cocktails or juice.

  • Growing Conditions

    Passionfruit prefer full sun or partial shade but are not wind-hardy, requiring protection. They like warm climates but will grow back if burned slightly by frosts. Require adequate moisture when young and fruit are maturing. A well-draining, slightly acidic soil will give the best results.

Incredible Passionfruit Varieties

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